Government Shutdown 2018

Hey Reader!
On January 20th, 2018, exactly a year since Trump became president, the Senate didn’t have enough votes to pass a Government funding bill, and as of this morning, around 12:04 AM, the Government is going into shutdown mode. This is the first shutdown to occur since 2013. Back then, the Republicans were pushing a shutdown onto the thoughts of the Democrats, saying that a shutdown was normal and necessary, and the Democrats claiming the opposite. However, the tables have turned, now the Democrats are forcing a shutdown onto the GOP, and the GOP claiming that shut down are abnormal. Exactly what this shutdown will ensure, I don’t know, but as of now, it looks like all non-essential government positions will be cleared, and relief aid will be cut. IT seems as if the Puerto Rico relief will be cut as long as the government shutdown is in order. Now one critical piece of info can’t be forgotten; the government doesn’t really need this shutdown. There is enough money to fund agencies, but the Democrats won’t allow funding to go through unless DACA is not removed. I believe that that was a very smart move, but that this will affect many people, unnecessarily. This shutdown was foreseen, and the Press Secretary tweeted out something about the DACA idea. She said: “Senate Democrats own the Schumer Shutdown. Tonight they put politics above our national security. We will not negotiate the status of unlawful immigrants while Democrats hold our…citizens hostage over their reckless demands.” While Ms. Sanders makes some valid points, they are in principle flawed, since these DREAMers have lived in the US for many years, and some were even born here. The battle for DACA continues, and as the Shutdown unfolds, I will update. Instead of a quote, now I leave you with some questions.

Question-related to the topic:
How long will the shutdown last?
Why hasn’t the President reacted yet?
How will the President react?

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